In this section we will discuss the specification of the model structure. We will consider the structure of a model as all the elements that determine the relation between our linear predictor λ⃗t and our latent states θ⃗t though time. Thus, the present section is dedicated to the definition of the following, highlighted equations from a general dynamic generalized model:
$$ \require{color} \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t|\eta_t &\sim \mathcal{F}\left(\eta_t\right),\\ g(\eta_t) &= {\color{red}\lambda_{t}=F_t'\theta_t,}\\ {\color{red}\theta_t }&{\color{red}=G_t\theta_{t-1}+\omega_t,}\\ {\color{red}\omega_t }&{\color{red}\sim \mathcal{N}_n(h_t,W_t)}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
Namely, we consider that the structure of a model consists of the matrices/vectors Ft, Gt, h⃗t, Ht and Dt.
Although we allow the user to manually define each entry of each of those matrices (which we do not recommend), we also offer tools to simplify this task. Currently, we offer support for the following base structures:
: Structural block for polynomial
trends (see West and
Harrison, 1997, Chapter 7). As special cases, this block has
support for random walks and linear growth models.harmonic_block
: Structural block for seasonal trends
using harmonics (see West and Harrison, 1997, Chapter
: Structural block for (dynamic)
regressions (see West
and Harrison, 1997, Chapter 6 and 9).TF_block
: Structural block for autoregressive
components and transfer functions (see West and Harrison, 1997, Chapter 9 and
: Structural block for random effects dos Santos et al. (2024).For the sake of brevity, we will present only the details for the
, since all other functions have very
similar usage (the full description of each block can be found in the
vignette, in the reference manual and in their respective help
Along with the aforementioned functions, we also present some auxiliary functions and operations to help the user manipulate created structural blocks.
In Subsections A structure for polynomial trend models, A structure for dynamic regression models, A structure for harmonic trend models, A structure for autoregresive models and A structure for overdispersed models introduce the several functions design to facilitate the creation of single structural blocks. In those sections we begin by examining simplistic models, characterized by a single structural block and one linear predictor, with a completely known Ft matrix. Subsection Handling multiple structural blocks builds upon these concepts, exploring models that incorporate multiple structural blocks while maintaining a singular linear predictor. The focus shifts in Subsection Handling multiple linear predictors, where we delve into the specification of multiple linear predictors within the same model. In Section Handling unknown components in the planning matrix Ft, the discussion turns to scenarios where Ft includes one or more unknown components. Finally, Subsection Special priors provides a brief examination of functions used to define specialized priors.
order = 1, name = "Var.Poly",
D = 1, h = 0, H = 0,
a1 = 0, R1 = c(9, rep(1, order - 1)),
monitoring = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, order - 1))
# When used in a formula
pol(order = 1, D = 0.95, a1 = 0, R1 = 9, name = "Var.Poly")
Recall the notation introduced in Section Notation and revisited at the beginning
of this vignette. The polynomial_block
function will create
a structural block based on West and Harrison (1997), chapter 7. The
function is a simplified version meant to be used
inside formulas in the kdglm
function and has the same
syntax as the polynomial_block
function. This involves the
creation of a latent vector θ⃗t = (θ1, t, ..., θn, t)′,
such that:
where Wt = Var[θt|𝒟t − 1] ⊙ (1 − Dt) ⊘ Dt + Ht.
Let’s dissect each component of this specification.
The order
argument sets the polynomial block’s order,
correlating n with the value
The optional name
argument aids in identifying each
structural block in post-fitting analysis, such as plotting or result
examination (see Section Fitting and analysing
The D
, h
, H
, a1
and R1
arguments correspond to Dt, h⃗t, Ht, a⃗1 and R1, respectively.
specifies the discount matrices over time. Its format
varies: a scalar implies a constant discount factor; a vector of size
T (the length of the time
series) means varying discount factors over time; a n × n matrix indicates that
the same discount matrix is given by D
and is the same for
all times; a 3D-array of dimension n × n × T
indicates time-specific discount matrices. Any other shape for
is considered invalid.
specifies the drift vector over time. If
is a scalar, it is understood that the drift is the same
for all variables at all time. If h
is a vector of size
T, then it is understood that
the drift is the same for all variables, but have different values for
each time, such that each coordinate t of h
represents the
drift for time t. If
is a n × T matrix, then we
assume that the drift vector at time t is given by h[,t]
Any other shape for h
is considered invalid.
The argument H
follows the same syntax as
, since the matrix Ht has the same
shape as Dt.
The argument a1
and R1
are used to define,
respectively the mean and the covariance matrix for the prior for θ1. If a1
a scalar, it is understood that all latent states associated with this
block have the same prior mean; if a1
is a vector of size
n, then it is understood that
the prior mean a1
is given by a1
. If R1
is a scalar, it is
understood that the latent states have independent priors with the same
variance (this does not imply that they will have independent
posteriors); if R1
is a vector of size n, it is understood that the latent
states have independent priors and that the prior variance for the θi, 1 is given
by R1[i]
; if R1
is a n × n matrix, it is
understood that R1
is given by R1
. Any other shape for a1
are considered invalid.
The arguments D
, h
, H
, and R1
can accept character values,
indicating that certain parameters are not fully defined. In such cases,
the dimensions of these arguments are interpreted in the same manner as
their numerical counterparts. For instance, if D
is a
single character, it implies a uniform, yet unspecified, discount factor
across all variables and time points, with D
serving as a
placeholder label. Should D
be a vector of length T (the time series length), it
suggests varying discount factors over time, with each character entry
in the vector (e.g., D[i]
) acting as a label for the
discount factor at the respective time point. This logic extends to the
other arguments and their various dimensional forms. It’s crucial to
recognize that if these arguments are specified as labels rather than
explicit values, the corresponding model block is treated as
“undefined,” indicating the absence of a key hyperparameter.
Consequently, a model with an undefined block cannot be fitted. Users
must either employ the specify.dlm_block
method to replace
labels with concrete values or pass the value of the value of those
hyper-parameter as named values to the fit_model
to systematically evaluate models with different values for these
labels. Section Tools for sensitivity
analysis elaborates on the available tools for sensitivity analysis.
Further information about both specify
is available in the reference manual or through
the help
Notice that the user does not need to specify the matrix Gt, since it is implicitly determined by the equation and the order of the polynomial block. Each type of block will define it own matrix Gt, as such, the user does not need to worry about Gt, except in very specific circumstances, where an advanced user may need a type of model that is not yet implemented.
The argument ...
is used to specify the matrix Ft (see details
in Subsection Handling
multiple linear predictors). Specifically, the user must provide a
list of named values which are arbitrary labels to each linear predictor
λi, t ,
i = 1, …, k, and its
associated value represents the effect of the level θ1, t (see Eq. )
in this predictor.
For example, consider a polynomial block of order 2, representing a linear growth. If the user
passes an extra argument lambda
(the naming is arbitrary)
as 1, then the matrix Ft is created
$$ F_t=\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\end{bmatrix} $$
Note that, as the polynomial block has order 2, it has 2
latent states, θ1, t and θ2, t. While
θ2, t does
not affect the linear predictor lambda
directly, it serves
as an auxiliary variable to induce a more complex dynamic for θ1, t. Indeed,
by Equation , we have that a second order polynomial block have the
following temporal evolution:
$$ \begin{aligned} \theta_{1,t} &= \theta_{1,t-1}+\theta_{2, t-1}+\omega_{1,t}\\ \theta_{2,t} &= \theta_{2,t-1}+\omega_{2,t},\\ \omega_{1,t},\omega_{2,t}&\sim \mathcal{N}_2(\vec{h}_t,W_t). \end{aligned} $$
As such, θ2, t represents
a growth factor that is added in θ1, t and
smoothly changes overtime. Even more complex structures can be defined,
either by a higher order polynomial block or by one of the several other
types of block offered by the kDGLM
The specification of values associated to each predictor label is further illustrated in the examples further exhibited in this section.
Lastly, the argument monitoring
shall be explained
later, in Subsection Intervention and
monitoring, which discusses automated monitoring and
To exemplify the usage of this function, let us assume that we have a simple Normal model with known variance σ2, in which η is the mean parameter and the link function g is such that g(η) = η. Let us also assume that the mean is constant over time and we have no explanatory variables, so that our model can be simply written as:
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_t|\theta_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1\left(\eta_t, \sigma^2\right),\\ \eta_t &={\color{red}\lambda_{t}=\theta_t,}\\ {\color{red}\theta_t} &{\color{red}=\theta_{t-1}=\theta.} \end{aligned} $$
In this case, we have Ft = 1, Gt = 1, Dt = 1, ht = 0 and Ht = 0, for all t. Assuming a prior distribution 𝒩(0, 9) for θ, we can create the highlighted structure using the following code:
Setting eta=1
, we specify that there is a linear
predictor named eta, and that eta = 1 × θ.
Setting order = 1
, we specify that θt is a scalar
and that Gt = 1. We can
omit the values of a1
, R1
, D
and H
, since the default values reflect the
specified model. We could also omit the argument order
since the default is 1, but we chose to
explicit define it so as to emphasize its usage. The argument
specifies a label for the created block; in this case,
we chose to call it “Mean”, to help identify its role in our model.
Suppose now that we have an explanatory variable X that we would like to introduce in our model to help explain the behavior of ηt. We could similarly define such structure by creating an additional block such as:
By setting eta=X
, we specify that there is a linear
predictor called eta, and that eta = X × θ.
If X = (X1, ..., XT)′
is a vector, then we would have Ft = Xt,
for each t, such that etat = Xt × θ.
It should be noted that kDGLM
has a specific structural
block designed for regressions, regression_block
, but we
also allow any structural block to be used for a regression, by just
setting the value assigned to the predictor equal to the regressor
vector Xt, t = 1, …, XT.
The user can specify complex temporal dynamics for the effects of any co-variate. For instance, it could be assumed that a regressor has a seasonal effect on a linear predictor. This this could be accommodated by the insertion of the values of the regressor associated to a seasonal block. The use of seasonal blocks is illustrated in Section Space-time model hospital admissions from gastroenteritis.
So far, we have only discussed the creation of static latent effects,
but the inclusion of stochastic temporal dynamics is very
straightforward. One must simply specify the values of H
be greater than 0 and/or the values of
to be lesser than 1:
Notice that a dynamic regression model could be obtained by assigning
in the previous code line. Bellow we present a plot
of two simple trend models fitted to the same data: one with a static
mean and another using a dynamic mean.
In the following example we use the functions Normal
and the plot
method. We advise the
reader to initially concentrate solely on the application of the
. The functionalities and detailed usage of
the other functions and methods, Normal
, and plot
, will be explored in later
sections, specifically in Sections Creating the
model outcome: and Fitting and analysing
models:. The inclusion of these functions in the current example is
primarily to offer a comprehensive and operational code sample.
For an extensive presentation and thorough discussion of the
theoretical aspects underlying the structure highlighted in this
section, interested readers are encouraged to consult West and Harrison (1997), Chapters 6, 7, and 9.
Additionally, we strongly recommend that all users refer to the
associated documentation for more detailed information. This can be
accessed by using the help(polynomial_block)
function or
consulting the reference manual.
max.lag = 0,
zero.fill = TRUE,
name = "Var.Reg",
D = 1,
h = 0,
H = 0,
a1 = 0,
R1 = 9,
monitoring = rep(FALSE, max.lag + 1)
# When used in a formula
reg(X, max.lag = 0, zero.fill = TRUE, D = 0.95, a1 = 0, R1 = 9, name = "Var.Reg")
The regression_block
function creates a structural block
for a dynamic regression with covariate Xt, as specified
in West and Harrison (1997), chapter 9. The
function is a simplified version meant to be used
inside formulas in the kdglm
function and has the same
syntax as the regression_block
function. When
is equal to 0,
this function can be see as a wrapper for the
function with order equal to 1. When max.lag
is greater or
equal to 1, the
function is equivalent to the
superposition of several polynomial_block
functions with
order equal to 1. Specifically, if the
linear predictor λt is associated
with this block, we can describe its structure with the following
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \lambda_t&=\sum_{i=0}^{max.lag}X_{t-i}\theta_{i,t},\\ \theta_{i,t}&=\theta_{i,t-1}+\omega_{i,t},\quad \forall i,\\ \omega_{0,t},...,\omega_{max.lag,t}&\sim \mathcal{N}_{max.lag+1}(0,W_t),\\ \theta_{0,1},..., \theta_{max.lag,1}&\sim \mathcal{N}_{max.lag+1}(a_1,R_1), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ where Wt = Var[θt|𝒟t − 1] ⊙ (1 − Dt) ⊘ Dt + Ht.
The usage of the regression_block
function is quite
similar to that of the polynomial_block
function, the only
differences being in the max.lag
and zero.fill
arguments. The max.lag
defines the maximum lag of the
variable Xt that has
effect on the linear predictor. For example, if we define
as 3, we would be
defining that Xt, Xt − 1, Xt − 2 and Xt − 3 all have
an effect on λt, such that
max.lag + 1
latent variables are created, each one representing the effect of a
lagged value of Xt.
Lastly, the zero.fill
argument defines if the package
should take the value of Xt to be 0 when t is non-positive, i.e., if
(default), the package considers Xt = 0, for
t = 0, −1, ..., −max.lag + 1.
If zero.fill
, then the user must
provide the values of Xt as a vector
of size T + max.lag
(instead of T), where T is the length of the time series
that is being modeled, and the first max.lag
values of that vector will be taken as X−max.lag + 1, ..., X0.
The usage of the remaining arguments is identical to that of the
function, and can also be inferred by the
previous equation.
Here we present the code for fitting the following model:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t|\theta_t &\sim Poisson\left(\eta_t\right),\\ \ln(\eta_t) &=\lambda_{t}=X_t\theta_t,\\ \theta_t&=\theta_{t-1}+\omega_t,\\ \omega_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,W_t), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ where Xt is a known covariate and Wt is specified using a discount factor of 0.95.
regression <- regression_block(The_name_of_the_linear_predictor = X, D = 0.95)
outcome <- Poisson(lambda = "The_name_of_the_linear_predictor", data = data) <- fit_model(regression, outcome)
The detailed theory behind the structure discussed in this section can be found in chapters 6 and 9 from West and Harrison (1997).
order = 1,
name = "Var.Sazo",
D = 1,
h = 0,
H = 0,
a1 = 0,
R1 = 4,
monitoring = rep(FALSE, order * 2)
# When used in a formula
har(period, order = 1, D = 0.98, a1 = 0, R1 = 4, name = "Var.Sazo")
This function will creates a structural block based on West and Harrison (1997), chapter 8, i.e., it creates a latent vector θt = (θ1, t, θ2, t, ..., θ2 × order − 1, t, θ2 × order, t)′, so that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix}\theta_{2i -1,t}\\ \theta_{2i,t}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}cos(iw) & sin(iw)\\ -sin(iw) & cos(iw)\end{bmatrix}&\begin{bmatrix}\theta_{2i -1,t-1}\\ \theta_{2i,t-1}\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}\omega_{2i -1,t}\\ \omega_{2i,t}\end{bmatrix}, i=1,...,order\\ \theta_{1,1},...,\theta_{2 \times order,1}&\sim \mathcal{N}_{2\times order}(a_1,R_1),\\ \omega_{1,t},...,\omega_{2 \times order,t}&\sim \mathcal{N}_{2\times order}(0,W_t),\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ where Wt = Var[θt|𝒟t − 1] ⊙ (1 − Dt) ⊘ Dt + Ht and $w=\frac{2\pi}{period}$.
Notice that the user does not need to specify the matrix Gt, since it is
implicitly determined by the order and the period of the harmonic block,
being a block diagonal matrix where each block is a rotation matrix for
an angle multiple of w, such
that, if period
is an integer, Gtperiod = I.
Notice that, when period
is an integer, it represents the
length of the seasonal cycle. For instance, if we have a time series
with monthly observations and we believe this series to have an annual
pattern, then we would set the period
for the harmonic
block to be equal to 12 (the number of
observations until the cycle “resets”). For details about the order of
the harmonic block and the representation of seasonal patterns with
Fourier Series, see West and Harrison (1997), chapter 8.
The natural usage of this block is for specifying harmonic trends for
the model, but it can also be used for explanatory variables with
seasonal effect on the linear predictor, for that, see the usage of the
and polynomial_block
Here we present a simply usage example for a harmonic block with period 12:
Bellow we present a plot of a Poisson model with such structure:
The detailed theory behind the structure discussed in this section can be found in chapters 6, 8 and 9 from West and Harrison (1997).
noise.var = NULL,
noise.disc = NULL,
pulse = 0,
name = "Var.AR", = "free",
a1 = 0,
R1 = 9,
h = 0,
monitoring = TRUE,
D.coef = 1,
h.coef = 0,
H.coef = 0,
a1.coef = c(1, rep(0, order - 1)),
R1.coef = c(1, rep(0.25, order - 1)),
monitoring.coef = rep(FALSE, order),
a1.pulse = 0,
R1.pulse = 9,
D.pulse = 1,
h.pulse = 0,
H.pulse = 0,
monitoring.pulse = NA
# When used in a formula
TF(X, order = 1, noise.var = NULL, noise.disc = NULL, a1 = 0, R1 = 9, a1.coef = NULL, R1.coef = NULL, a1.pulse = 0, R1.pulse = 4, name = "Var.AR")
# Wrapper for the autoregressive structure
AR(order = 1, noise.var = NULL, noise.disc = NULL, a1 = 0, R1 = 9, a1.coef = NULL, R1.coef = NULL, name = "Var.AR")
This function creates a structural block based on West and Harrison (1997), chapter 9, i.e., it creates a latent state vector θt, an autoregressive (AR) coefficient vector ϕt = (ϕ1, t, ..., ϕorder, t)′ and a pulse coefficient vector ρt = (ρ1, t, ..., ρl, t)′, where l is the number of pulses (discussed later on) so that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \theta_{t} &= \sum_{i=1}^{k}\phi_{i,t}\theta_{t-i}+\sum_{i=1}^{l}\rho_{i,t}X_{i,t}+\omega_{t},\\ \phi_{i,t}&=\phi_{i,t-1}+\omega^{\text{coef}}_{i,t},\\ \rho_{i,t}&=\rho_{i,t-1}+\omega_{i,t}^{pulse},\\ \omega_{t}&\sim \mathcal{N}_1(h_t,W_t),\\ \omega_{t}^{\text{coef}}&\sim \mathcal{N}_k(h_t^{\text{coef}},W_t^{\text{coef}}),\\ \omega_{t}^{pulse}&\sim \mathcal{N}_l(h_t^{pulse},W_t^{pulse}),\\ \theta_1&\sim \mathcal{N}(a_1,R_1),\\ \phi_1&\sim \mathcal{N}_k(a_1^{\text{coef}},R_1^{\text{coef}}),\\ \rho_1&\sim \mathcal{N}_l(a_1^{pulse},R_1^{pulse}). \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ where:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} W_t&=noise.var&+&\frac{(1-noise.disc)}{noise.disc}Var[\theta_t|\mathcal{D}_{t-1}] & & & & ,\\ W_t^{\text{coef}}&=H_t^{\text{coef}}&+&Var[\phi_t|\mathcal{D}_{t-1}] &\odot& (1-D_t^{\text{coef}}) &\oslash& D_t^{\text{coef}},\\ W^{pulse}_t&=H_t^{pulse}&+&Var[\rho_t|\mathcal{D}_{t-1}] &\odot&(1-D_t^{pulse}) &\oslash&D_t^{pulse}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ and X, called pulse matrix, is a known T × l matrix.
Notice that the user does not need to specify the matrix Gt, since it is implicitly determined by the order of the Tranfer Function (TF) block and the equations above, although, as the reader might have noticed, that evolution will always be non-linear. Since the method used to fit models in this package requires a linear evolution, we use the approach described in West and Harrison (1997), chapter 13, to linearize the previous evolution equation. For more details about the usage of autoregressive models and transfer functions in the context of DLM’s, see West and Harrison (1997), chapter 9.
It is easy to understand the meaning of most arguments of the
function based on the previous equations, but some
explanation is still needed for the
plus the arguments related with the so called pulse. We do
advise all users to consult the associated documentation for more
details (see help(TF_block)
or the reference manual).
is a character string, either
or "free"
. If
is "constrained"
, then the AR
coefficients ϕt will be
forced to be on the interval (−1, 1),
otherwise, the coefficients will be unrestricted. Beware that, under no
restriction on the coefficients, there is no guarantee that the
estimated coefficients will imply in a stationary process, furthermore,
if the order of the TF block is greater than 1, then the restriction
imposed when
is equal to
does NOT guarantee that the
process will be stationary, as such, the user is not allowed to use
constrained parameters when the order of the block is greater than 1. To constrain ϕt to the
interval (−1, 1), we apply the inverse
Fisher transformation, also known as the hyperbolic tangent
The pulse matrix X is
informed through the argument pulse
, with the dimension of
ρt being
implied by the number of columns in X. It is important to notice that
the package expects that X
will inform the pulse value for each time instance, interpreting each
column as a distinct pulse with an associated coordinate of ρt.
Note that when the pulse is absent, Xt = 0, ∀t, the TF block is equivalent to a autoregressive block.
Finally, we can summarize the usage of the TF_block
function as follows:
, R1
are the parameter for the prior for
the accumulated effects (θ1, ..., θ1 − order)′;noise.var
, noise.disc
and h
define the mean and variance of random fluctuations of θt through
, R1.coef
are the parameter for the
prior for the coefficients ϕ1, ..., ϕorder;h.coef
, H.coef
and D.coef
define the mean and variance of random fluctuations of ϕt through
, R1.pulse
are the parameter for
the prior for the pulse coefficient ρ1;h.pulse
, H.pulse
and D.pulse
define the mean and variance of random fluctuations of ρt through
is the pulse matrix X;
defines the support for the AR coefficients
ϕt.Bellow we present the code for a simply AR(1) block with Wt = 0.1, ∀t:
Finally we present a plot of a Gamma model with known shape α = 1.5 and a AR structure for the mean fitted with simulated data. We will refrain to show the code for fitting the model itself, since we will discuss the tools for fitting in a section of its own.
The user may have notice that the autoregressive block described above is a little different from what is most common in the literature. Specifically, we do not assume that the observed data itself (Yt) follows an autoregressive evolution, but instead θt does. This approach is a generalization of the usual autoregressive model, indeed, if we have that Yt follows an usual AR(k), such that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t&=\sum_{i=1}^{k}\phi_{i,t}Y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t,\\ \epsilon_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,\sigma_t^2), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$ then, this model can also be written as:
Y_t|\eta_t&\sim \mathcal{N}_1(\eta_t,0),\\
\omega_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,W_t),
$$ such that this model can be described using the
More generally, if we have that Yt|ηt ∼ ℱ(ηt), where ℱ is a distribution family contained in the exponential family and indexed by ηt, then we have that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t|\eta_t &\sim \mathcal{F}(\eta_t),\\ g(\eta_t)=\theta_t&=\sum_{i=1}^{k}\phi_{i,t}\theta_{t-i}+\omega_t,\\ \omega_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,W_t). \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
It is important to note that there is some caveats about the first
specification (the usual one) and the more general one presented above.
As the reader will see further bellow, we offer, as a particular case,
the Normal distribution with both unknown mean and observational
variance, where we can specify predictive strucutre for
both the mean and the observational variance. In this
model, it does matter if the evolution error is associated with the
observation equation or the evolution equation (we cannot specify
predictive structure for former, but to the latter we can). For such
cases, we recommend the use of the regression_block
function instead of the TF_block
Here we present an example of the specification of an AR(k) using the
function for a time series Yt of length
In the Advanced Examples section we will provide a wide range of examples, including ones with the aforementioned structures. In particular, we will present the code for some usual (yet different from what we discussed) forms of AR, including the following model:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t&=\mu_t+\sum_{i=1}^{k}\phi_{i,t}(Y_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1})+\epsilon_t,\\ \epsilon_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,\sigma_t^2), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
noise_block(..., name = "Noise", D = 0.99, R1 = 1)
# When used in a formula
noise(name = "Noise", D = 0.99, R1 = 0.1, H = 0)
This function will creates a sequence of independent latent variables ϵ1, ..., ϵt based on the discussions presented in dos Santos et al. (2024), such that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \epsilon_{t} &\sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_t^2),\\ \sigma_t^2&=\frac{t-1}{t}D_t\sigma_{t-1}^2+\frac{1}{t}(1-D_t)\mathbb{E}[\epsilon_{t-1}^2|\mathcal{D}_{t-1}],\\ \sigma_1^2&=R_1. \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
Notice that the user do not need to specify the matrix Gt, since it is implicitly determined by the equations above, such that Gt = 0 for all t.
It is easy to see the correspondence between most of the arguments of
the noise_block
function and their respective meaning in
the block specification, while the remaining ones follow the same usage
seen in the previous block functions (see the
As the user must have noticed, this block makes no sense on its own, since it has barely any capability of learning patterns. But, we is shown in the next subsection, structural blocks can be combined with each other, such that the noise block would be only one of several other structural blocks in a model.
To exemplify the utility of this structural block, let us assume we want to model the following (simulated) time series of counts:
Since the data is a counting, its natural to propose a Poisson model, such that:
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_t|\theta_t &\sim Poisson\left(\eta_t\right),\\ \ln(\eta_t) &=\lambda_{t}=\theta_t,\\ \theta_t&=\theta_{t-1}+\omega_t,\\ \omega_t &\sim \mathcal{N}_1(0,W_t), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
Bellow we present that model fitted using the kDGLM
level <- polynomial_block(
rate = 1,
order = 3,
D = 0.95
) <- fit_model(level,
"Model 1" = Poisson(lambda = "rate", data = data)
plot(, lag = 1, plot.pkg = "base")
Notice that the data at the middle of the observed period is overdispersed, such that a Poisson model cannot properly address the uncertainty. One could proposed the usage of a Normal model which, indeed, could capture the uncertainty in the middle, but notice that the data at the beginning and at the end of the series has very low values, such that a Normal model would be inappropriate. In such scenario, a better approach would be to add an noise component to the linear predictor, such that it can capture the overdispersion:
level <- polynomial_block(
mu = 1,
order = 3,
D = 0.95
noise <- noise_block(
mu = 1
) <- fit_model(level, noise,
"Model 2" = Poisson(lambda = "mu", data = data)
plot(, lag = 1, plot.pkg = "base")
It is relevant to point out that the choice of R1
affect the final fit, as such, we highly recommend the user to perform a
sensibility analysis to help specify the value of R1
Lastly, as we will see latter on, the noise block can also be useful to model the dependency between multiple time series.
For a more detailed discussion of this type of blocks, see dos Santos et al. (2024).
n the previous subsections, we discussed how to define the structure
of a model using the functions polynomial_block
, harmonic_block
and noise_block
. Each of these
functions results in a single structural block. Generally, the user will
want to mix multiple types of structures, each one being responsible to
explain part of the outcome Yt. For this
task, we introduce an operator designed to combine structural blocks by
superposition principle (see West and Harrison, 1997, sec. 6.2),
as follows.
Consider the scenario where one wishes to superimpose p structural blocks; for instance: trend, seasonal and regression components (p = 3). A general overlaid structure is given by the following specifications:
$$ \begin{aligned} \vec{\theta}_t&=\begin{bmatrix}\vec{\theta}_t^1\\ \vdots\\ \vec{\theta}_t^n\end{bmatrix}, & F_t&=\begin{bmatrix}F_t^1 \\ \vdots \\ F_t^p\end{bmatrix},\\ G_t&=diag\{G_t^{1},...,G_t^{p}\},& W_t&=diag\{W_t^{1},...,W_t^{p}\}, \end{aligned} $$
where diag{M1, ..., Mp} represents a block diagonal matrix such that its diagonal is composed of M1, ..., Mp; θt is the vector obtained by the concatenation of the vectors θ⃗t1, ..., θ⃗tp corresponding to each structural block; and Ft is obtained as follows: if a single linear predictor is considered in the model, Ft is a line vector concatenating $F_t^1,…, F_t^p .Forthecaseofseveralpredictors(k>1$, which will be seen in the next section), the design matrix associated to structural block i, Fti, has dimension $n_i k $ and Ft is a n × k matrix, obtained by the row-wise concatenation of the matrices Ft1, ..., Ftp, where $n=\sum_{i=1}^p n_i$.
In this scenario, to facilitate the specification of such model, we
could create one structural block for each θ⃗ti,
and Wti,
i = 1, ...p, and then
“combine” all blocks together. The kDGLM package allows
this operation through the function block_superpos
equivalently, through the +
block_1 <- ...
block_n <- ...
complete_structure <- block_superpos(block_1, ..., block_n)
# or
complete_structure <- block_1 + ... + block_n
For a very high number p of
structural blocks, the use of block_superpos
is slightly
faster. To demonstrate the usage of the +
operator, suppose
we would like to create a model using four of the structures presented
previously (a polynomial trend, a dynamic regression, a harmonic trend
and an AR model). We could do so with the following code:
poly_subblock <- polynomial_block(eta = 1, name = "Poly", D = 0.95)
regr_subblock <- regression_block(eta = X, name = "Regr", D = 0.95)
harm_subblock <- harmonic_block(eta = 1, period = 12, name = "Harm")
AR_subblock <- TF_block(eta = 1, order = 1, noise.var = 0.1, name = "AR")
complete_block <- poly_subblock + regr_subblock + harm_subblock + AR_subblock
In the multiple regression context, that is, if more than one
regressor should be included in a predictor, the user must specify
different regression sub blocks, one for each regressor, and apply the
superposition principle to these blocks. Thus, in the previous code
lines, X
is a vector with T observations of a regressor Xt, already
defined in an R object in the current environment and
cannot be a matrix of covariates. Ideally, the user should also provide
each block with a name to help identify them after the model is fitted,
but, if the user does not provide a name, the block will have the
default name for that type of block. If different blocks have the same
name, an index will be automatically added to the variables with
conflicting labels based on the order that the blocks were combined.
Note that the automatic naming might make the analysis of the fitted
model confusing, specially when dealing with a large number of latent
states. With that in mind, we strongly recommend the
users to specify an intuitive name for each structural block.
When integrating multiple blocks within a model, it’s crucial to
understand how their associated design matrices, denoted as Fti
for each block, are combined. These matrices are concatenated
vertically, one below the other. Consequently, since the predictor
vector λ⃗t
is calculated as Ft′θ⃗t,
the influence of each block on λ⃗t is
cumulative. In our previous code example, we introduced a linear
predictor named eta
. In this context, the operations
performed in lines 1
, 5
, and 7
(corresponding to polynomial_block
, and TF_block
, respectively),
are represented as etat = 1 × θ1, ti, i = 1, 3, 4;
while in line 3
(corresponding to
), the operation is etat = Xt × θ1, t2.
It’s important to note that each block initially defines
independently. However, when these blocks are combined,
their respective equations are merged. As a result, the complete
structure in line 9
can be expressed as:
etat = 1 × θ1, t1 + Xt × θ1, t2 + 1 × θ1, t3 + 1 × θ1, t4
This expression illustrates how the contributions from each individual block are aggregated to form the final model. This methodology allows for the flexible construction of complex models by combining simpler components, each contributing to explain a particular facet of the process {Yt}t = 1T.
As the user may have noticed, more then one argument can be passed in
the ...
argument. Indeed, if the user does so, several
linear predictors will be created in the same block (one for each unique
name), all of which are affected by the associated latent state. For
instance, take the following code:
The code above creates 3 linear predictors λ1, t,λ2, t and λ3, t and a design matrix Ft = (1, 1, 1)′, such that:
$$ \begin{aligned} \lambda_{1,t}&=1 \times \theta_{t}\\ \lambda_{2,t}&=1 \times \theta_{t}\\ \lambda_{3,t}&=1 \times \theta_{t} \end{aligned} $$
Note that the latent state θt is the same for all linear predictors λi, t, i.e., θt is a shared effect among those linear predictors which could be used to induce association among predictors. The specification of independent effects to each linear predictor can be done by using different blocks to each latent state:
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, order = 1) + # theta_1
polynomial_block(lambda2 = 1, order = 1) + # theta_2
polynomial_block(lambda3 = 1, order = 1) # theta_3
When the name of a linear predictor is missing from a particular block, i.e., the name of a linear predictor was passed as an argument in one block, but is absent in another, it is understood that particular block has no effect on the linear predictor that is absent, such that the previous code would be equivalent to:
# Longer version of the previous code for the sake of clarity.
# In general, when a block does not affect a particular linear predictor, that linear predictor should be ommited when creating the block.
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, lambda2 = 0, lambda3 = 0, order = 1) + # theta_1
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 0, lambda2 = 1, lambda3 = 0, order = 1) + # theta_2
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 0, lambda2 = 0, lambda3 = 1, order = 1) # theta_3
As discussed in the end of Subsection Handling multiple structural blocks, the effect of each block over the linear predictors will be added to each other. As such both codes will create 3 linear predictors, such that:
$$ \begin{aligned} \lambda_{1,t}&=1 \times \theta_{1,t} + 0 \times \theta_{2,t} + 0 \times \theta_{3,t}=\theta_{1,t}\\ \lambda_{2,t}&=0 \times \theta_{1,t} + 1 \times \theta_{2,t} + 0 \times \theta_{3,t}=\theta_{2,t}\\ \lambda_{3,t}&=0 \times \theta_{1,t} + 0 \times \theta_{2,t} + 1 \times \theta_{3,t}=\theta_{3,t} \end{aligned} $$
Remind the syntax presented in the first illustration of the current section, which guides the creation of common factors among predictors. One can use multiple blocks in the same structure to define linear predictors that share some (but not all) of their components:
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, order = 1) + # theta_1
polynomial_block(lambda2 = 1, order = 1) + # theta_2
polynomial_block(lambda3 = 1, order = 1) + # theta_3
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, lambda2 = 1, lambda3 = 1, order = 1) # theta_4: Common factor
representing the following structure:
$$ \begin{aligned} \lambda_{1,t}&=\theta_{1,t}+\theta_{4,t}\\ \lambda_{2,t}&=\theta_{2,t}+\theta_{4,t}\\ \lambda_{3,t}&=\theta_{3,t}+\theta_{4,t}\\ \end{aligned} $$
The examples above all have very basic structures, so as to not overwhelm the reader with overly intricate models. Still, the kDGLM package is not limited to in any way by the inclusion of multiple linear predictors, such that any structure one may use with a single predictor can also be used with multiple linear predictors. For example, we could have a model with 3 linear predictors, each one having a mixture of shared components and exclusive components:
#### Global level with linear growth ####
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, lambda2 = 1, lambda3 = 1, D = 0.95, order = 2) +
#### Local variables for lambda1 ####
polynomial_block(lambda1 = 1, order = 1) +
regression_block(lambda1 = X1, max.lag = 3) +
harmonic_block(lambda1 = 1, period = 12, D = 0.98) +
#### Local variables for lambda2 ####
polynomial_block(lambda2 = 1, order = 1) +
TF_block(lambda2 = 1, pulse = X2, order = 1, noise.disc = 1) +
harmonic_block(lambda2 = 1, period = 12, D = 0.98, order = 2) +
#### Local variables for lambda3 ####
polynomial_block(lambda3 = 1, order = 1) +
TF_block(lambda3 = 1, order = 2, noise.disc = 0.9) +
regression_block(lambda3 = X3, D = 0.95)
Now we focus on the replication of structural blocks, for which we
apply block_mult
function and the associated operator
. This function allows the user to create multiple blocks
with identical structure, but each one being associated with a different
linear predictor. The usage of this function is as simple as:
base.block <- polynomial_block(eta = 1, name = "Poly", D = 0.95, order = 1)
# final.block <- block_mult(base.block, 4)
# or
# final.block <- base.block * 4
# or
final.block <- 4 * base.block
When replicating blocks, it is understood that each copy of the base block is independent of each other (i.e., they have their own latent states) and each block is associated with a different set of linear predictors. The name of the linear predictors associated with each block are taken to be the original names with an index:
[1] "eta.1" "eta.2" "eta.3" "eta.4"
Naturally, the user might want to rename the linear predictors to a more intuitive label. For such task, we provide the function:
In some situations the user may want to fit a model such that:
$$ \begin{aligned} \lambda_{t}=F_t'\theta_t=\cdots+\phi_t\theta_t +\cdots, \end{aligned} $$ in other words, it may be the case that the planning matrix Ft contains one or more unknown components. This idea may be foreign when working with only one linear predictor, but if our observational model has several predictors it could make sense to have shared effects among predictors. Besides, this construction is also natural when modeling multiple time series simultaneously, such as when dealing with correlated outcomes or when working with a compound regression. All those cases will be explored in the Advanced Examples section of the vignette. For now, we will focus on how to specify such structures, whatever their use may be.
For simplicity, let us assume that we want to create a linear
predictor λt such that
λt = ϕtθt.
Then the first step would be to create a linear predictor associated
with ϕt
(which we will call phi
, although the user may call it
whatever it pleases the user):
Notice that we are creating a linear predictor ϕt and a latent state θ̃t such that ϕt = 1 × θ̃t. Also, it is important to note that the structure for ϕt could be any other structural block (harmonic, regression, auto regression, etc.).
Now we can create a structural block for θt:
The code above creates a linear predictor λt and a latent
state θt
such that λt = ϕt × θt.
Notice that the ...
argument of any structural block is
used to specify the planning matrix Ft,
specifically, the user must provide a list of named values, where each
name indicates a linear predictor λt and its
associated value represent the effect of θt in this
predictor. When the user pass a string in ...
, it is
implicitly that the component of Ft associated
with θt is
unknown and modeled by the linear predictor labelled as the passed
Lastly, as one could guess, it is possible to establish a chain of components in Ft in order to create an even more complex structure. For instance, take the following code:
polynomial_block(eta1 = 1, order = 1) +
polynomial_block(eta2 = "eta1", order = 1) +
polynomial_block(eta3 = "eta2", order = 1)
In the first line we create a linear predictor η1, t such that η1, t = 1 × θ1, t. In the second line we create another linear predictor η2, t such that η2, t = η1, t × θ2, t = θ1, t × θ2, t. Then we create a linear predictor η3, t such that η3, t = η2, t × θ3, t = θ1, t × θ2, t × θ3, t.
To fit models with non-linear components in the Ft and/or Gt matrices, we use the Extended Kalman Filter (Kalman, 1960; West and Harrison, 1997).
As discussed in Subsection A structure for polynomial trend models, the default prior for the polynomial block—as well as for other blocks—assumes that the latent states are independent with a mean 0 and a variance of 9. Users have the flexibility to modify this prior to any combination of mean vector and covariance matrix, although the latent states of different blocks are always assumed to be independent. It is important to note that this independence applies only to the prior distribution; subsequent updates may induce correlations between the latent states.
While this prior setup may be appropriate for a broad range of
applications, there may be instances where a user needs to apply a joint
prior for latent states across different blocks. For example, if a
similar model has previously been fitted to another dataset, an analyst
might wish to integrate information from this prior model into the new
fitting. To facilitate the specification of a joint prior for any set of
latent states, the kDGLM package offers the
joint_prior(block, var.index = 1:block$n, a1 = block$a1[var.index], R1 = block$R1[var.index, var.index])
The joint_prior
function accepts a
object and returns the same object with a
modified prior.
The block
argument is a dlm_block
The syntax of this function is designed to facilitate the use of the
pipe operator (either |>
or %>%
allowing for seamless integration into piped sequences. For example:
polynomial_block(mu = 1, order = 2, D = 0.95) |>
block_mult(5) |>
joint_prior(a1 = prior.mean, R1 = prior.var)
# assuming the objects prior.mean and prior.var are defined.
The var.index
argument is optional and indicates the
indexes of the latent states for which the prior distribution will be
The a1
and R1
arguments represent,
respectively, the mean vector and the covariance matrix for the latent
states that the user wishes to modify the prior for.
The user may also want to specify some special priors that impose a certain structure for the data. For instance, the user may believe that a certain set of latent state sum to 0 or that there is a spacial structure to them. This is specially relevant when modelling multiple time series, for instance, lets say that we have r series Yi, t, i = 1, ...r, such that:
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_{i,t}|\eta_{i,t} &\sim Poisson(\eta_{i,t})\\ \ln(\eta_{i,t})&=\lambda_{it}=\mu_t+\alpha_{i,t},\\ \sum_{i=1}^{r} \alpha_{i,t}&=0, \forall t. \end{aligned} $$
Similarly, one could want to specify a CAR prior (Banerjee et al., 2014; Schmidt and Nobre, 2018) for the variables α1, ...αr, if the user believes there is spacial autocorrelation.
For these scenarios, the kDGLM package provides
functions to facilitate the specification of special priors for
structural blocks, such as the zero_sum_prior
and the
. Their general usage is analogous to the
function. Details on these functions will be
omitted in this document for the sake of brevity. For comprehensive
usage instructions, please refer to the vignette or the associated